Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sindhi Installation and Sindhi Fonts

Sindhi Installation and Sindhi Fonts

پنهنجي سسٽم ۾ سنڌ انسٽال ڪرڻ لاءِ هيٺيون سنڌي سافٽويئر ڊائون لوڊ ڪيو

سنڌ ي فانٽ ڊائون لوڊ ڪرڻ لاءِ ٺڙڪ ڪريو
پنهنجي سسٽم تي سنڌي انسٽال ڪرڻ جو طريقو

سڀ کان پهرين ونڊوز ايڪس پي جي سي ڊي لڳايو ان کان پوءِ   اسٽارٽ مينيو مان سيٽنگز ۾ ڪنٽرول پينل واري آپشن تي  ٺڙڪ ڪريو. جڏهن ڪنٽرول پينل جي ونڊو کلي وڃي ته ان ۾ ريجنل ۽ لينگويجز واري آپشن تي ٻٽي ٺڙڪ ڪريو، اوهان جي سامهون هڪ ننڍي ونڊو کلندي جنهن ۾ اوهان لينگويج ٽيب تي ٺڙڪ ڪندو ته اتي توهان کي هن چيڪ باڪس آپشن  انسٽال فائيلس فار ڪامپليڪس اِسڪرپٽ اينڊ رائيٽ ٽو ليفٽ لينگويجز  کي چيڪ ڪندئو . ونڊوز پاڻ ئي مددي فائل سي ڊي روم مان ڪاپي ڪري وٺندو ڪجهه ئي دير ۾ ري اسٽارٽ جو آپشن ايندو توهان ان تي ييس ٺڙڪ ڪندئو. توهان جو سسٽم جيئن ئي ٻيهر مڪمل کلي وڃي ته توهان سنڌي سافٽويئر  ايم بي سنڌي 2007 جي سيٽ اپ کي رن ڪرڻ لاءِ ڊبل ڪلڪ (ٻٽي ٺڙڪ)ڪندئو ۽ ان کان پوءِ سيٽ اپ گهربل سنڌي انسٽاليشن پاڻ ئي ڪري  وٺندو. آخر ۾ سيٽ اپ مڪمل ٿيڻ تي“ سيٽ اپ انسٽاليشن وزرڊ” تي ڪلوز جي آپشن تي ٺڙڪ ڪندئو

هاڻي ٻي مرحلي ۾ اوهان وريِ   هڪ دفعو اسٽارٽ مينيو مان سيٽنگز ۾ ڪنٽرول پينل واري آپشن تي  ٺڙڪ ڪريو. جڏهن ڪنٽرول پينل جي ونڊو کلي وڃي ته ان ۾ ريجنل ۽ لينگويجز واري آپشن تي ٻٽي ٺڙڪ ڪريو، اوهان جي سامهون هڪ ننڍي ونڊو کلندي جنهن ۾ اوهان لينگويج ٽيب تي ٺڙڪ ڪندو اتي هن دفعي توهان کي ڊٽيلس  واري بٽڻ تي ٺڙڪ ڪندو جيڪو ان ونڊو جي پهرين حصي ۾ آهي. ان بٽڻ تي ٺڙڪ ڪرڻ سان هڪ ٻي مددي ونڊو کلندي جتي اوهان  ايڊ بٽڻ تي ٺڙڪ ڪندئو ته هڪ ٻي ونڊو ايڊ اِ نپٽ لينگويج  جي ٽائيٽل سان کلندي جتان اوهان ڊريگ بار مان فارسي سيليڪٽ ڪندو  ۽ لڳو لڳ ٻي چيڪ باڪس آپشن  ڪي بورڊ لي آئوٽ ۾ به فارسي يا ايم بي سنڌي 2007سليڪٽ ڪندئو. ان ڪرڻ سان اوهان جي سنڌي لينگويج  فارسي جي سپورٽ سان توهان جي سسٽم ۾ “ ان ايبل”  ٿي ويندي
هاڻ توهان آرام سان سهڻي سنڌي ٻولي پنهنجي سسٽم جي هر ان سافٽويئر ۾ لکي سگهو ٿان جنهن جو اڳ ۾ صرف انگريزي ۾ استعمال ڪندا هئا، مثال طور هاڻي اوهان ايم ايس آفيس جي هر ٽول ورڊ، پاور پوائنٽ، ايڪسيل، فوٽو شاپ، پينٽ ، ايم ايس اين ميسنجر وغيره تي توهان سنڌي لکو سگهو ٿا ۽ پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾ به سنڌي جا ڊاڪيومينٽ ٺاهي سگهجن ٿا
مزو ماڻيو ، سنڌي ءِ ۾ پريزنٽيشنس ٺاهي، چيٽنگ ڪيو دوستن سان سنڌيءِ ۾، شاعري ۽ روز مره جي ڊائري سانڍي رکو سنڌيءِجي ايم ايس ورڊ فائيل ۾ يا اڃا به پي ڊي ايف فارميٽ ۾محفوظ ڪري رکو ته اهي اتي به کلي سگهن ٿا جتي سنڌي انسٽال نه به ٿيل هوندي

Method Of Sindhi Installation In English:
How to Install Sindhi Support to Windows XP.
Installing Sindhi support to Windows XP is very easy as the operating system is basically geared to process Sindhi flawlessly. Since Sindhi is not formally presented as a language choice, we have to presently choose one of the available Arabic script languages. We can use any of the Arabic locales, Farsi for the purpose. Since there are many Arabic locales, I prefer using one of these, but any other choice will do equally well.Here are the necessary steps outlined. 1. Arabic script support
It is assumed that Arabic script support is already installed, in which case you can skip this step and go to
2. If is not, then install it now. Start >> Control Panel >> Regional and Language … >> Languages >> Install file for complex script and rignt-to-left languages… You may be asked for the Windows XP CD at this point, so keep it handy.2. Run MBSindhi installer
Double click the installer. It will install the MBSindhi 2007 keyboard to your system.
3. Add MBSindhi Keyboard
Add an Arabic script language and choose MBSindhi 2007 as IME/Keyboard for it. You do this by: Start >> Control Panel >> Regional and Language … >> Languages >> Details… >> Add.. >> Here you first select Input language (Arabic, Farsi) and then check the box Keyboard layout/IME and from the drop down list select MBSindhi 2007.
4. Install MBLateefi Font
Copy and paste MBLateefi (Version 2.000) font in the fonts folder (which you can access through Control Panel). If an earlier version of the font is already present in the system, delete it before installing/pasting the new font. I have also inculded MB Sindhi Web (Version1.100) font which may also be installed. More fonts will follow soon
5. Turn on the Font Smoothing
Right click on the desktop and then Properties >> Appearance >> Effects. Then check the box for “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts:” and select Standard (not the Cleartype).Having done all this open this file again and you should be able to see the verse at the top of the page in MBLateefi font and with properly smoothed edges.Now you can use all the MS Office applications, Wordpad, Notepad, Dreamweaver and many other applications for Sindhi. View the keyboard layout image. You can also use the system applet OnScreen Keyboard (which can be reached through Start >> All Programmes >> Accessories >> Accessibility) to view the keyboard layout in normal, shift, cntrl+alt and shift+cntrl+alt states. In MS Word you can use the Insert Symbol menu and select the characters and symbols which cannot be accessed through the keyboard directly.
A Note on Compatibility Issues
You may notice some differences between this and the earlier versions, which were unavoidable since this is the most complete and accurate version of standard Sindhi fonts so far. However, what is more important that you may also find some compatibility issues when you use Microsoft’s core or system Arabic script fonts. Ideally and in principle there should be no such issues but we live in a world which is a little less than perfect. There are some issues relating to Sindhi letter Heh, Sindhi Comma and Sindhi Semi Colon due to which as of now a font has to be different in these areas. Hopefully, these issues will be resolved in time. I have also included Arabic full stop which can be accessed by pressing Right Alt and Full Stop key. You might want to use this full stop in the web pages if you find that normal full stop is not getting placed at the end of the line. IMPORTANT: Do uninstall and remove previous versions of keyboard and font.Enjoy Sindhi Computing and promote it. I have done my service to the language and people of Sindh: now it is your turn. So use Sindhi on computers and the internet and encourage other Sindhis to do the same.With best wishes,
Abdul-Majid Bhurgri
Seattle, WA USA
20 July 2004

Let's Speak Sindhi language This 30-day easy course is designed for learners worldwide who wish to speak Sindhi with confidence

 Let's Speak Sindhi language This 30-day easy course is designed for learners worldwide who wish to speak Sindhi with confidence. Whethe...