Sunday, June 9, 2024

Zulfiqar Behan: A Prominent Figure in Sindhi Poetry and Education

Zulfiqar Behan: A Prominent Figure in Sindhi Poetry and Education

Zulfiqar Behan, son of Muhammad Usman Behan, was born on June 1, 1972, in the village of Doro Behan, Taluka Moro, District Noushahro Feroze. He has established a unique identity in Sindhi poetry and education.

 Early Life and Education

Behan received his primary education in his hometown, Doro Behan. He matriculated from Government Boys High School, Moro in 1988, and passed his intermediate examination from Mehran College, Moro in 1990. He went on to earn a Master's degree in Sindhi Literature from Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, an M.Ed from Karachi University, and an M.Phil from Iqra University, Gulshan Iqbal, Karachi. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Teacher Education from Karachi University.

Professional Career

Zulfiqar Behan is currently serving as the Head/Deputy Director (Grade 19) of the Government Divisional Educational Technology Resource Center (DETRC) in Karachi. His career in education began in 2000 as a lecturer. By 2006, he had advanced to the role of Assistant Professor and served as the Principal of Government Elementary College, Lyari. Throughout his career, Behan has played a significant role in the development of Sindhi curriculum and teacher training courses, serving as a member and expert in textbook preparation.

Literary Contributions

Behan's literary journey began in 1990 during his college years. Writing under his own name, Zulfiqar Behan, he has become a respected poet in Sindhi literature. He holds the position of joint secretary of the Sindhi Literary Sangat's Karachi branch and currently serves as a councilor for the Gulshan Iqbal branch of the Sindhi Literary Sangat.

His first poetry book, "My Dreams Like Gulab Bakhta," was published by Danish Academy Publication in 2009. In 2016, he co-authored a poetry book titled "Peer Peer," with Wafa Gul Mohammad Jamali, published by Wafa Publication Shahdad Kot. His poetry, encompassing genres like Hamd, Marsiya, Nazm, Azad Nazm, prose poems, Tero, Haiku, two-line, three-line, songs, Wai, and Ghazal, has been performed by various artists on radio and television.


Active Role in Social and Educational Programs

Zulfiqar Behan has been an active participant in social, educational, and literary programs and activities in Karachi. His efforts in these areas have significantly contributed to the cultural and educational landscape of the city.

 Recognition and Celebrations

On June 1, 2024, as he celebrates his birthday, the team at Sindh Educators honors Zulfiqar Behan for his dedicated service and contributions to Sindhi literature and education. His legacy continues to inspire and shape the future of Sindhi poetry and education.

 In Sindhi Zulfiqar Behan profile 

اڄ اوھان کي سنڌي شاعري ادب ۽ سنڌ جي تعليم ۾ ھڪ منفرد سڃاڻپ رکندڙ سائين ذوالفقار علي بھڻ جو تعارف ڪرائجي ٿو. 

ذوالفقار ولد محمد عثمان بھڻ، پهرين جون 1972ع تي ڳوٺ دورو بھڻ تعلقي موري، ضلعي نوشھري فيروز ۾ ڄائو. ھُنَ ابتدائي تعليم ڳوٺ دوري بھڻ مان حاصل ڪئي. مئٽرڪ گورنمنٽ بوائز ھاء اسڪول موري مان 1988ع ۾ ڪيائين. انٽر مھراڻ ڪاليج موري مان 1990ع ۾ ڪيائين. سنڌي ادب ۾ ماسٽرس شاھ عبداللطيف يونيورسٽي خيرپور مان، ايم ايڊ ڪراچي يونيوسٽي، جڌھن تہ ايم فل اقراء يونيورسٽي گلشن اقبال ڪراچي ۽ اڄ ڪلھ پي ايڇ ڊي ٽيچر ايجوڪيشن ۾ ڪراچي يونيورسٽي مان ڪري رھيو آھي.

نوڪريءَ جو تفصيل 

پاڻ ھن وقت گورنمنٽ ڊويزل ايجوڪيشنل ٽيڪنالوجي ريسورس سينٽر (ڊيٽرڪ) ڪراچي جي سربراھ / ڊپٽي ڊائريڪٽر گريڊ 19 ۾ خدمتون انجام ڏئي رھيو آھي. ڪراچي ۾ ھزارين استاد سندس  شاگرد آھن جيڪي خدمتون انجام ڏيئي رھيا آھن. پاڻ 2000ع ۾ ليڪچرر طور نوڪري جو آغاز ڪيائين. 2006ع ۾ اسسٽنٽ پروفيسر ان کان علاوه پرنسپل گورنمنٽ ايليمينٽري ڪالج لياري ۾ خدمتون انجام ڏئي چڪو آھي. سنڌي جي نصاب، استادن جي تربيت جي ڪورسن جي ڪتابن  جي تياري ۾ ميمبر/ ماھر طور خدمتون انجام ڏئي رھيو آھي.

ادبي سفر

ذوالفقار بھڻ شاعري لکڻ جي شروعات 1990ع ۾ انٽر واري دؤر ۾ / ڪاليج واري زماني ۾ ڪئي. سندن ادبي نالو ذوالفقار بھڻ آهي. پاڻ سنڌي ادبي سنگت ڪراچي شاخ جو عھديدار جوائنٽ سڪريٽري ۽ اڄ ڪلھ سنڌي ادبي سنگت گلشن اقبال شاخ جو ڪائونسلر پڻ آھي. ذوالفقار بھڻ جي شاعريءَ جو ڪتاب “منھنجا خواب گلاب جھڙا” 2009ع ۾ دانش اڪيڊمي پبليڪيشن پاران شايع ٿي چُڪو آهي. ان کان علاوھ گڏيل شاعري جي ڪتاب پير پير جو پنھنجو پنڌ مرتب وفا گل محمد جمالي وفا پبليڪيشن شھداد ڪوٽ 2016ع. لکيل صنفون حمد، مرثيو، نظم، آزاد نظم، نثري نظم، ٽيڙو، ھائيڪو، ٻہ سٽا، ٽہ سٽا، گيت، وائي، چوسٽو، غزل ريڊيو ٽي وي تي مختلف فنڪارن جي آواز ۾ سندس شاعري ڳائي وئي آھي. ڪراچي جي سماجي، تعليمي ۽ ادبي پروگرامن ۽ سرگرمين ۾ تمام گهڻو متحرڪ ڪردار رھيو آھي.

اڄ 1 جون سندس سالگرہ آھي. کيس جنم ڏڻ جون مبارڪون.

سنڌ ايجوڪيٽرز جي ٽيم سائين جن جي خدمتن کي سلام پيش ڪري ٿي.

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